General Questions

It simply means that we are not associated, affiliated, or connected with any denomination, man-made organization or institution. Our only allegiance is to the Lord and His Word. We can fellowship with brothers and sisters of Christ anywhere at any time without answering to a national headquarters somewhere.

Children’s Ministry

We have full children’s programming for the 6:30 p.m. service on Thursdays and 9 & 10:45 a.m. services on Sundays. This program includes infants through 6th grade.
We are so excited when a child comes for the first time. We have people in place to greet them and help them feel welcome. We will help to get them connected or allow them to observe until they feel comfortable. It is always our utmost goal to make sure your child loves church and feels excited to come back!
Our state-of-the-art children’s building is designed to make kids feel welcome and excited to come to church. Preschool (4 year olds by 9/1) through 6th grade attend church in this building.
Our classes for younger children are all located in our main building. Giggleville is our nursery for infants to 2 years. Crossroads Station is preschool, ages 2 years through 4 years. Our PreK area is in the upstairs classrooms in the children's building.
We have an awesome class called Kids Baptism Class designed to teach kids all they need to know about making Jesus their Lord and Savior and professing their faith through baptism. It is taught with a kid-friendly curriculum that helps them understand the meaning and importance of their decision.
We offer communion to all children who have accepted Jesus as their Savior during both services in 1st through 6th grade.
A parent must check each child in, and pick them up. We will also allow an older sibling, age 16 or older, to check in and pick up.
We ask that you do your best to hold on to your tag, but in the event it becomes lost we will ask for your driver’s license during check out. It is always our goal to keep your child safe, so we do not accept pictures of security tags for safety reasons.

Connect Group

Meeting location varies with each group. Some groups are meeting virtually, others are in-person or hybrid. Groups tend to meet in a member’s home, at a restaurant, or some other public venue.
Our Connect Groups meet for three seasons each year and have a break during the summer. Our breaks are intentional, and our goal is not to see groups burn out from meeting every week all year. We also schedule our breaks around holidays and school so families can enjoy those breaks as a family.

Sports Ministry

  1. The mission of Crossroads Sports® is to connect children and their parents to God and to one another through athletics. We provide a safe environment where high-quality sport skills are taught using Christian principles.
  2. Although we provide a highly competitive environment, winning is not the focus. Winning happens as a by-product of teaching great skills, teamwork and character.
  3. You’ll find us different than other kids’ leagues. We provide top-notch coaching, great facilities, new equipment, and uniforms comparable to other kids’ leagues, but also add a character-building component to all practices and games.
  4. We use League Apps - crossroadssports.leagueapps.com, to track teams, standings, and schedules online. It is also used as a communication tool when practices or games are cancelled or rescheduled.
  1. Crossroads Sports® coaches have been trained to teach the sport and communicate effectively with you and your child. All coaches have had stringent background checks and have pledged to coach under Crossroads Sports® mission.
  2. Your coach will prepare your team to compete each week, and is directed to play every player at least half the game.
  3. Your coach has committed to treating officials and others with respect and to interact appropriately with everyone during games.
  4. Your coach will also lead a short devotional each practice.
  1. Provide your child with a light snack and at least 12 ounces of water prior to practice.
  2. Double check your child has all equipment necessary. We recommend that you bring a water bottle to practice and games.
  3. We also have a mid-practice devotional that serves as a short break and provides the kids with lifelong spiritual tools. We encourage you to ask your child after each practice what they learned about the sport and what they learned in their mid-practice devotion.
  1. Games are typically Saturday mornings. Please arrive 15 minutes early so your child can warm up and receive proper pre-game instruction from the coach. Crossroads Sports® strives to keep games on time. When kids are on time, the game schedule progresses as planned.
  2. Every field has a designated area for players, coaches and fans during games. With the exception of an injury, we ask parents to stay in the designated area for fans while the game is in progress.
  3. Your coaches will ask for a volunteer to be the Team Parent. The Team Parent will assist the coach in communication with the other parents. They will also set up a snack schedule for the season, where parents are encouraged to take turns providing post-game snacks for the team. This is not mandatory, but we hope you will participate. If you choose to participate, please bring a small drink and a light snack for each player when it’s your week.
    Note: Crossroads Sports® concessions have team snack bags available for purchase at our cost. Go to the main concession area in the SportCenter to purchase and retrieve your team snack bag. The cost is $10 or $15 depending on the number of players on the team.
  4. Parents or guardians must remain on campus while their child is participating in sporting events. Includes practices and games.
  5. When you suspect bad weather on a day of practice or a game, call our weather hotline at (817) 635-7575 an hour prior to game/practice time.
  6. Parents are to be respectful toward the coaches and officials at all times. Any bad language or inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated and could result in your being asked to leave the complex.
  7. The use of alcohol and tobacco products is strictly prohibited.
  8. Pets are not allowed. Please leave your pets at home.
  1. With the exception of 4 and 5-year-olds, a first-place trophy will be awarded to every player on any team that finishes first in their division.
  2. In divisions of four or more, a second-place award is given.
  3. Divisions with 5 or more will have a third-place award.
Practice days are Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. Practice times are 6:30 and 7:30 p.m.
We will do our best to accommodate a requested practice night. However, coach and age division availability will affect that.
Parents have the ability to request a coach. We will use a first-come, first-served basis until all the roster spots are filled. If you have a coach in mind, contact them as soon as possible.
Players not added by a coach will be assigned a team based on practice night availability.
The fees pay for referees, facilities, equipment and uniforms.
All of our coaches are volunteers and are required to submit to a thorough background check.
Crossroads Sports® is a developmental league. We stress the development of basic skills through competition. We expect the teams to compete hard and try to win the game in a fair manner. A major aspect of sports is learning how to win and how to lose. With the exception of 4 and 5-year-old divisions, standings are kept. Winning is a product of hard work, preparation, and execution of basic skills.
We have coaching, refereeing, concessions, scorekeeping, and team parent. We are always in need of more volunteers.
Games are Saturdays and start as early as 8:00 a.m.
All the uniforms are different colors and correspond to an international or national sport teams.

Youth Ministry

For the 9 a.m. service, we encourage all our students and young adults to meet in the Grand Hall before the main service begins and we will all sit together in the main auditorium.
For the 10:45 a.m. service, we'll have a high-energy worship service with an intentional truth-filled message for all students in the youth building.
Your junior high and high school student are able to check themselves in when they enter the youth building. All they need to know is the last four digits of their phone number and one of our Adult Crew members get them checked in on one of our iPads. When service is over, they are dismissed and are able to leave the building without a parent picking them up.
Yes! We have a concession stand downstairs with drinks, chips, candy, etc. We also have a concession stand upstairs that offers breakfast tacos. The Landing Coffee & Provisions offers freshly brewed coffee and hand crafted lattes.
Our junior high and high school students are split up for service. Our junior high students (7-8th graders) meet in the downstairs gym and our high school students (9-12th graders) meet in the Theater.
Absolutely. We are not licensed counselors and are happy to refer you to someone we work closely with in the community. But we are more than happy to meet with you and your student to help, with God’s guidance and wisdom from the Bible.